Publications & Patents
Volumetric feature extraction in mesh representation of a cad model using random cutting planes and graph traversals
Indian Institute of Technology - Madras, Chennai, India
Patent Pending: Indian Patent Office 201841008900
Under Review
Distributed Multi-robot Arbitrary Object Transportation with Pushing Surface Identification and Model-based Pushing Effort Regulation
Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems
T Mina, SS Kannan, W Jo, S Luo, G King, BC Min
PlaceFormer: Transformer-based Visual Place Recognition using Multi-Scale Patch Selection and Fusion
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)
SS Kannan, BC Min
Control Challenges for High-Speed Autonomous Racing: Analysis and Simulated Experiments
SAE International Journal of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
RK Manna, DJ Gonzalez, V Chellapandi, M Mar, SS Kannan, S Wadekar, EJ Dietz, CM Korpela, AE Gamal
Investigation on accepted package delivery location: A user study-based approach
2021 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC)
SS Kannan, BC Min
Towards end-to-end deep learning of autonomous racing: On data collection and unified architecture for steering and throttle prediction
ICRA 2021 Workshop - Opportunities & Challenges with Autonomous Racing
SN Wadaker, BJ Schwartz, SS Kannan, M Mar, RK Manna, V Chellapandi, DJ Gonzalez, AE Gamal
ROSbag-based Multimodal Affective Dataset for Emotional and Cognitive States
2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC)
W Jo, SS Kannan, GE Cha, A Lee, BC Min
Autoencoder-based part clustering for part-in-whole retrieval of CAD models
Computer & Graphics 81, 41-51
LP Muraleedharan, SS Kannan, R Muthuganapathy
Random cutting plane approach for identifying volumetric features in a CAD mesh model
Computer & Graphics 70, 51-61
LP Muraleedharan, SS Kannan, A Karve, R Muthuganapathy
Part-based Segmentation of CAD mesh models: A non-parametric approach
Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM) - Poster
LP Muraleedharan, SS Kannan, R Muthuganapathy
Reconstruction using a simple triangle removal approach
SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 - Technical Briefs
S Methirumangalath, A Dev Parakkat, SS Kannan, R Muthuganapathy
Hole detection in a planar point set: An empty disk approach
Computer & Graphics 66, 124-134
S Methirumangalath, SS Kannan, AD Parakkat, R Muthuganapathy
A ROS-based framework for monitoring human and robot conditions in human-multi-robot team
arXiv preprint arXiv: 2006.03784
W Jo, SS Kannan, GE Cha, A Lee, BC Min